Courses 2021/22 - XXXVII cycle

Educational offer

All teaching activities (foundation and specialist courses) are mandatory for first year students. 

Foundation courses

Functional Analysis (A. Cesaroni), October-November 2021

Probability Theory (S. Pagliarani, Univ. of Bologna), October-December 2021

Programming Methodologies for Data Analysis (L. Di Gaspero, K. Roitero, Univ. Udine), October-December 2021

Statistical Models (C. Gaetan, Univ. Ca' Foscari Venezia - M. Bernardi, S. Mazzuco, D. Risso and B. Scarpa), February-June 2022

Theory and Methods of Inference (A. Salvan, N. Sartori and L. Pace), March-June 2022

Statistical Consulting (A. Canale)


Specialist courses (planning in progress)

Several specialist courses are planned every year. Some of them are taught by guest instructors.

Time Series Analysis (L. Bisaglia), November 2021- January 2022

Applied Multivariate Techniques (L. Finos), January-February 2022

Sampling Theory (P.F. Perri, Univ. della Calabria), February 2022

Speaking with significance (L. Maragoni), May 2022

Bayesian Data Analysis and Computation (B. Liseo e A. Tancredi, Sapienza Univ. Roma), May-June 2022

Nonparametric Conditional Testing of Equivalence Hypotheses (F. Pesarin), June 2022

Kalman Filter and State Space Models (S.J. Koopman, VU University, Amsterdam, NL), June 2022


Further activities

Library Labs (leaflet 2021Welcome PhD Student 2020)

For further information about Scholarly Communication and principles of Open Science please see libraries Moodle:

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