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Workshop "Le PMI nella transizione energetica: il finanziamento dei progetti sostenibili"

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Via C. Battisti, 241 - Padova


Il Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche dell'Università di Padova ospita, giovedì 21 novembre, il workshop "Le PMI nella transizione energetica: il finanziamento dei progetti sostenibili". Interverranno Arianna Lovera (Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile (ItaSIF), Simone Grillo (Banca Etica) e Monica



2nd workshop of SoFIA – SOcial health Frailty as determinants of Inequality in Ageing

Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padua - Via Cesare Battisti 241, Padua

Dal 09.09.2024 al 10.09.2024

L’invecchiamento della popolazione è una sfida crescente in Europa. Il progetto SoFIA - SOcial health Frailty as determinants of Inequality in Ageing mira a esplorarne le implicazioni per la salute e il benessere degli anziani riducendo allo stesso tempo i costi a lungo termine associati all



Workshop on Complex Graphical Models for Biological Network Science

Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padova - Via Cesare Battisti 241, PADUA


This workshop on Complex Graphical Models for Biological Network Science by Francesco C. Stingo, Alberto Roverato, Guido Consonni, Luigi Augugliaro focuses on the development of novel principled statistical tools for the analysis of complex networks under non-standard experimental setups.Date:



Short Course on Graphical Models

Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padua - Via Cesare Battisti 241, PADUA

Dal 02.09.2024 al 03.09.2024

This course aims at introducing probabilistic graphical models, which provide a unified framework for learning dependence relationships between random variables and making statistical inference under complex multivariate settings. Participants will learn the fundamentals of graphical models,



CARONTE workshop on advances in causes of death modelling - Padova, July 8-9

Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padua - Via Cesare Battisti 241, Padua

Dal 08.07.2024 al 09.07.2024

On July 8 – 9, 2024 (Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padova - Room SC 140) there will be a two-days workshop where preliminary results will be presented by the different units, increasing the occasions of collaborations and discussions with other experts in the field. The workshop
