Nome Corsini Noemi
Department of Statistical Sciences University of Padua
2021 - 2024
Giovanna Menardi
September 2016 - July 2019: Bachelor's degree in Statistical Sciences for Finance, Insurance and Business, University of Bologna. Final mark: 110/110 cum laude.
September 2019 - July 2021: Master's degree in Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna. Final mark: 110/110 cum laude.
September 2023 - June 2024: University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Supervisor: Dr. Michael Fop.
2023-2024 Teaching Tutor. Statistical models and applications. Prof: Giuliano Galimberti. Master in Statistical Sciences at the University of Bologna.
2023-2024 Teaching Tutor. Supervised statistical learning. Prof: Laura Anderlucci. Bachelor in Statistical Sciences at the University of Bologna.
2023-2024 Teaching Tutor. Latent variable models. Prof: Silvia Cagnone. Bachelor in Statistical Sciences at the University of Bologna.
2022-2023 Latex Seminar - Master in statistics at the University of Padua.
2022-2023 Teaching Tutor. Modern Statistic Big Data Analysis. Prof: Christian Hennigh. Master in Statistical Sciences at the University of Bologna.
2022-2023 Teaching Tutor. Statistic II. Prof: Christian Hennigh. Bachelor in Statistical Sciences at the University of Bologna.
PhD thesis: Advances in density-based clustering for complex data. Supervisor: Prof. Giovanna Menardi. Co-supervisor: Dr. Michael Fop.
Master's Degree thesis: Dealing with overdispersion in multivariate count data. Supervisor: Prof. Cinzia Viroli.
Bachelor's Degree thesis: Modelling the Efficiency of the Insurance Industry: a meta-frontier approach (In italian). Supervisor: Prof. Cristina Bernini. Co-Supervisor: Prof. Pierpaolo Pattitoni.
Advances in density-based clustering for complex data
Corsini, N., Menardi, G. Modal clustering for categorical data. In Proceedings of the CLADAG
2023 Conference of the CLAssification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG), Salerno (2023)
Casoli, D., Corsini, N., Presutti, M., Magnini, V. Why (not) participate in an adventure motorcycle tourism event? Tourism Analysis (2023)
Corsini, N., Viroli, C. Dealing with overdispersion in multivariate count data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (2022)