Nome To Duc Khanh
Dottore di ricerca
Department of Statistical Sciences University of Padua
[ field_type]
02/05/2017 - 01/05/2018
2014 - 2017
Monica Chiogna
Granfranco Adimari
PhD in Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padova, Padova. Cycle XXIX - 2014 - 2016.
,Bachelor in Mathematics and Computer Science (2008 - 2012) Fact. Mathematics and Computer Science, HoChiMinh city University of Science, Vietnam National University. GPA: 8.12/10
Teaching Assistant in Fact. Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Science, VNU-HCM.
Head of the exercises class or practical laboratory (about 30 - 50 students per class). Detailed classes:
Mathematical Statistics (practical laboratory with R programming)
Analysis A2 (exercises class)
Sampling Theory and Methods (exercises class and practical laboratory with R programming)
Measure Theory and Probability (exercises class)
Bachelor Thesis: "The Application Of Non-parametric Regression Model For The Backward Heat Problems." (Vietnamese). Supervisor: Prof. Dang Duc Trong.
Statistical Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests under Verification Bias
Trong D. D., Khanh T. D., Tuan N. H., Minh N. D. (2015). Nonparametric regression in a statistical modified Helmholtz equation using Fourier spectral regularization. Statistic: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics. Vol. 49, No. 2, 267-290.
To Duc, K., Chiogna, M. and Adimari, G. (2016). Bias-Corrected Methods for Estimating The Receiver Operating Characteristic Surface of Continuous Diagnostic Tests. Electronic Journal of Statistics. In press.
Trong D. D., Khanh T. D., Tuan N. H., Minh N. D. (2016). A two dimensional backward heat problem with statistical discrete data. arXiv:1606.05463
To Duc, K., Chiogna, M. and Adimari, G. (2016). Nonparametric Estimation of ROC Surfaces in Presence of Verification Bias. arXiv:1604.04656
To Duc, K., Chiogna, M. and Adimari, G. (2016). Estimation for the Volume Under ROC Surface in Presence of Nonignorabl Verification Bias. arXiv:1610.08805
In preparation:
To Duc, K. (2016). bcROCsurface: an R package for correcting verification bias in estimation of the ROC surface and its volume for continuous diagnostic tests.
To Duc, K., Chiogna, M. and Adimari, G. (2016). Bias-Corrected Estimation Methods for Receiver Operating Characteristic Surface. The18th International Conference on Biometrics and Biostatistics; Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4-5 August 2016.
To Duc, K., Chiogna, M. and Adimari, G. (2016). Nonparametric Estimation of ROC Surfaces in Presence of Verification Bias. The 22nd International Conference on Computational Statistics; Auditorium/Congress Palace Principe Felipe, Oviedo, Spain, 23-26 August 2016.
Trong Dang Duc, Khanh To Duc, Tuan Nguyen Huy, Minh Nguyen Dang (Aug 2013). Nonparametric regression in a statistical modified Helmholtz equation using Fourier spectral regularization. Congress Mathematical Vietnam, 8th, Nha Trang 10-14/08/2013.
Jun 2013, Some applications of the Plackett-Burman design for investigating optimal medium components with soya bean to grow Bacillus subtilis for protein production, Khanh To Duc, Thang Pham Luong and Hoang Nguyen Duc. Statistics & its Interactions with Other Disciplines - 2013.
Trong Dang Duc, Khanh To Duc, Tuan Nguyen Huy, Minh Nguyen Dang (Jun 2013). A Two-Dimensional Backward Heat Problems With Random Data (Poster). Statistics & its Interactions with Other Disciplines - 2013.
Post Doc, University of Padova