


Working paper

Atti di convegno


  • Aspetti biometrici del ciclo mestruale: lunghezza totale e delle varie fasi, Miolo L, "Tesi di Tesi di Laurea" - A.A. 1986-87, Faculty of Stat. Sciences, University of Padova. [1]

  • Nuovi aspetti della biometria del ciclo mestruale: le lunghezze, Barbolani di Montauto A, "Tesi di Laurea" - A.A. 1986-87, Faculty of Stat. Sciences, University of Padova. [3]

  • Nuovi aspetti della biometria del ciclo mestruale: la temperatura basale, Marton R, "Tesi di Laurea" - A.A. 1986-87, Faculty of Stat. Sciences, University of Padova. [4]

  • Confronto fra il metodo di Royston e "3 su 6" per gruppi di donne, Giacomelli E,"Tesi di laurea"-A.A.1988-89, Faculty of Stat. Sciences, Univ. of Padova. [9]

  • Ricerche su alcuni parametri del ciclo mestruale, Viale Moro M, "Tesi di Laurea"-A.A. 1988-89, Faculty of Stat. Sciences, Univ. of Padova. [8]

  • Aspetti biometrici del ciclo mestruale: la temperature basale, Caron MG, "Tesi di laurea" - A.A. 1986-87, Faculty of sciences, University of Padova. [2]

  • Calo della temperatura basale in cicli consecutivi, Corsini S, "Tesi di Laurea" - A.A. 1986-87, Faculty of Stat. Sciences, University of Padova. [12]

  • La temperatura basale durante i riequilibri ormonali, Masiero L, "Tesi di Laurea" - A.A. 1986-87, Faculty of Stat. Sciences, University of Padova. [13]

  • Ricerche biometriche sul muco cervicale: cicli tipici, Schiavon A, "Tesi di Laurea" - A.A. 1986-87, Faculty of Stat. Sciences, University of Padova. [14]

  • Ricerche biometriche sul muco cervicale: cicli atipici, De Nadai A, "Tesi di Laurea" - A.A. 1986-87, Faculty of Stat. Sciences, University of Padova. [15]

  • Analisi di alcune anomalie nei cicli mestruali, Vanin G, "Tesi di laurea"-A.A. 1988-89, Faculty of Stat. Sciences, Univ. of Padova. [7]

  • Probabilità di concepimento in differenti giorni del ciclo mestruale: una prima analisi dei dati dello studio multicentrico europeo, Romualdi C, "Tesi di Laurea" - A.A.: 1995-96 - University of Padova. [18]

  • Vecchie e nuove stime di fecondabilità e loro applicazioni, Passarin K, "Tesi di Laurea" - A.A.: 1997-98 - University of Padova. [22]

  • Fisiologia, comportamenti ed esiti stagionali della fecondabilità, Rizzi E, PhD Dissertation, 2000, Universities of Florence, Padova and Rome. [26]


  • Sequential prediction of the length of the menstrual cycle and of its post-menstrual phase, Masarotto G, 1988 (unpublished). [5]

  • Confronto fra alcune regole utilizzate per determinare il periodo fertile, Masarotto G, in "Conferenza per la Regolazione Naturale della Fertilità Oggi Certezze e Dubbi" - Milano 9-11 dicembre 1988 - CIC Edizioni Internazionali s.r.l., Roma: 173-179. [6]

  • Analisi differenziale dell'applicazione di alcune regole di metodo sintotermico (Parte I, Parte II), Magnano San Lio L, 1988-89, Faculty of Stat. Sciences, Univ. of Padova. [10]

  • Biometrical research on some parameters of the menstrual cycle, Colombo B, Int. Jl. Gynecol. Obstet., 1989, Suppl. 1:13-18. [11]

  • Biometric aspects of research into temperature charting, Colombo B, Fertlity File, 1992, 15; 4-5. [16]

  • A data base for biometric research on changes in basal body temperature in the menstrual cycle, Miolo L, Colombo B and Marshall J, Statistica, 1993, 53, 4: 563-572. [17]

  • Spunti di ricerca biometrica sul ciclo mestruale, Bassi F and Colombo B, in "Studi in onore di Giampiero Landenna", 1996, Milano, Giuffrè: 111-126.

  • Calendar Methods of Fertility Regulation: a Rule of Thumb, Scarpa B and Colombo B, Statistica, 1996, 56, 1: 3-14.

  • Probability of conception on different days of the menstryal cycle: an ongoing exercise, Masarotto G and Romualdi C, Advances in Contraception, 1997, 13, 2/3: 105-115.

  • Evaluation of fertility predictors and comparison of different rules, Colombo B, Genus, 1998, 54, 3-4: 53-167.

  • Daily Fecundability: First Results from a New Data Base, Masarotto G e Colombo B, Demographic Research, 2000, 3, 5.

  • Further analysis of the theoretical effectiveness of the TwoDay method of family planning, Jennings V and Sinai I, Contraception, 2001, 64: 149-153.

  • The relationship between cervical secretions and the daily probabilities of pregnancy: effectiveness of the TwoDay Algorithm, Dunson DB, Sinai I and Colombo B, Human Reproduction, 2001, 16, 11: 2278-2282.

  • The effect of age on time until ovulation in female menstrual cycle (A longitudinal data analysis based on mixed models), Billari F and Rosina A, Genus, 2001, 57, 2: 71-87.

  • Changes with age in the level and duration of fertility in the menstrual cycle, Dunson DB, Baird DD and Colombo B, Human Reproduction, 2002, 17, 5: 1399-1403.

  • Increased infertility with age in men and women with no known fertility problems, Dunson DB, Baird DD, Tingen C and Colombo B, paper presented to the Vienna Conference of ESHRE, July 2002.

  • Bayesian Modeling of Markers of Day-Specific Fertility, Dunson DB and Colombo B, Jl. of the Amer. Stat. Ass., 2003, 98, 461: 28-37.

  • Inter-observer variation in interpreting cervical mucus as an indicator of the fertile phase in a menstrual cycle, Bassi F, Mion A e Colombo B, Genus, 2003, 59, 3-4: 91-102

  • Mucus observations in the fertile windows: a better predictor of conception than timing of intercourse, Bigelow JL, Dunson DB, Stanford JB, Ecochard R, Gnoth CH and Colombo B, Human Reproduction, 2004, 19, 4 : 889-892

  • Fecondità e tempi di attesa del concepimento, Rosina A and Colombo B, in "Sessualità e riproduzione: tutto sotto controllo?" (Bonarini F, Ongaro F and Viafora C, Ed.), 2004, Milano, Franco Angeli: 41-51.

  • On age effect: results from a detailed prospective study on daily fecundability, Rizzi E, Rosina A and Colombo B, Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique , Special Issue on Late Parenthood, Vol. 53: 2S57-2S63.

  • The seasonality of conceptions between physiology and sexual behaviour, Rizzi E, Dalla Zuanna G (accepted by Demography).

  • Reduced fertilisation rates in older men when cervical mucus is sub-optimal, Dunson DB, Bigelow JL, Colombo B (accepted by Obstetric and Gynaecology).

  • Cervical mucus secretions on the day of intercourse: An accurate marker of highly fertile days, Scarpa B, Dunson DB, Colombo B (European JL of Obst.-Gyn. and Repr. Biol.), 2006, 125,1: 72-78.

  • Cervical mucus symptom and daily fecundability: first results from a new data base, Colombo B, Mion A, Passarin K, and Scarpa B, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2006, 15, 2: 161-180.

  • Bayesian selection of predictors of day-specific conception probabilities, Scarpa B and Dunson DB, Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 2006, 201, 1: 30-37.

  • Bayesian Selection of Optimal Rules for Timing Intercourse to Conceive Using Calendar and Mucus, Scarpa B, Dunson DB and Giacchi E, (accepted by Fertility and Sterility).

  • Making Informed Decisions about Behavior for Couples attempting Pregnancy, Scarpa B and Dunson DB, (accepted by Statistics in Medicine).

Working paper

  • Analisi della variabilità nell'interpretazione del muco cervicale quale indicatore della fase fertile in un ciclo mestruale, Bassi F and Colombo B, 1999, Padova, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Redazioni provvisorie, 1998-23: 10.

  • La sindrome del lupo mannaro:fasi lunari e sessualità, Rizzi E and Rosina A, Working Paper del Dipartimento di Statistica e Matematica Applicata all'Economia, University of Pisa, Report n. 267, 2005.

  • Age and fertility. Can we wait until the early 30s?, McDonald JW, Rosina A, Rizzi E and Colombo B, Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute, Applications and Policy Working Papers. (Submitted to Demography and in the site:

Atti di convegno

  • Can we wait until the early 30s?. Some results on the effect of age on the probability to have a first child,McDonald J, Rizzi E and Rosina A, paper presented to the 2003 meeting of the Population Association of America.

  • Sexuality after 30s and consequences on risk of conception, Rizzi E, Actes de la Chaire Quetelet 2002, Entre culture e nature: quelle(s) demographie(s), Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia Bruylant l'Harmattan (In press).

  • Sterility and subfecundity: assessment from a detailed prospective study, Rizzi E, Chaire Quetelet 2004, Santé de reproduction au Nord et au Sud, 17/20th November (In press)

  • L'influsso della luna sul comportamento sessuale, Rizzi E, in "Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione, GCD" February 2005 (In press).

Data bases used in the papers:

Bases Papers


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 29


18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43




22, 23, 26, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49


14, 15, 24, 27

P.S.: All quoted "Tesi di Laurea" are available in the Library of the Faculty.